Place born
Organisation / Person

Brown, Arthur Whitten

1886 - 1948

Lywood, Oswyn George William

1895 - 1957

Mitchell, Katherine Jane Margaret

1923 - 2006

Lovelock, James Ephraim

1919 - 2022

Curtis, Ian

1956 - 1980

Baly, Edward Charles Cyril

1871 - 1948

1931-2003, computer artist, United States, American

Mason, Maughan Sterling

1931 - 2003

c.1920-1928, radio and aerial manufacturer, Massachusetts, US

Amplifex Radio Corporation

1920 - 1928

1900-1972, physician; ophthalmologist, Welsh; British

Pugh, Mary Agnes

1900 - 1972

1901-1968, poster artist, British

Merriott, Jack

1901 - 1968

1873-1928, artist; painter; poster artist, British

Sims, Charles Henry

1873 - 1928

1896-1985, poster artist; marine and landscape artist, British

Sherwin, Frank

1896 - 1985

1882-1973, son of Edgar Tarry Adams, British

Adams, Francis Norris

1882 - 1973

1880-1976, manufacturer of machinery, Bad Homburg, Germany

Maschinenfabrik Michael KAMPF KG

1880 - 1976

1913-1971, physician; professor of anatomy, British

Harris, Geoffrey Wingfield

1913 - 1971

active 1979-2003, marine engineers, St. Helier, Jersey, Channel Islands, British

Woodcoxon Engineering (International) Limited

1979 - 2003

1880-1958, sexologist; advocate of birth control, British; Scottish

Stopes, Marie

1880 - 1958

1884-1976, Locomotive engineer, British

Hawksworth, Frederick W

1884 - 1976

1885-1940, railway company, Somerset

Weston, Clevedon & Portishead Railway

1885 - 1940

1877-1933, poster artist; illustrator, British

Higgins, Reginald Edward

1877 - 1933

1885-1957, wood engraver; autobiographer; poster artist, British

Raverat, Gwen

1885 - 1957

1913-1929, manufacturer of cine cameras, Chicago, United States

The DeVry Corporation

1913 - 1929

1891-1980, industrialist; scientist; naturalist, British; English

Taylor, Edward Wilfred

1891 - 1980

1908-1994, artist; poster artist, British

Chapman, George

1908 - 1994

1881-1963, marine engineer, Scottish; British

Wallace, Sir William

1881 - 1963

1899-1977, cartographer, German

Hoelzel, Fritz

1899 - 1977

1904-1965, ornithologist, photographer, documentary filmmaker; writer, Scottish

Rankin, Niall

1904 - 1965

1899-1978, sculptor; poster artist

Bradshaw, Laurence

1899 - 1978

1903-1960, Keeper of the Science Museum Library (1945-60), British

Pledge, Humphrey Thomas

1903 - 1960

1970-1975, modelmaker, London, England

George Alan (Models) Limited

1970 - 1975

1913-2012, physicist; radio astronomer, British; English

Lovell, Sir Bernard

1913 - 2012

Pledge, Humphrey Thomas

1903 - 1960

Bankart, Zoe Theodora

1909 - 1988

Worcester, George Raleigh Gray

1890 - 1969

Gresley, Sir Nigel (1876-1941), engineer

1876 - 1941

Wright, Elsie

1901 - 1903

Silberrad, Oswald John

1878 - 1960

Barrow Ship Building Company Limited

1871 - 1897

Redrup, Charles Benjamin

1878 - 1961

Twelves, John Anthony

1941 - 1996

Wainwright, Trevor Douglas

1922 - 2011

Irving, Ronald Nicholas

1915 - 2005

Berry, Geoffrey C

1914 - 1983

Lawrence, John Stewart (M.B., Ch.B., M.D., M.R.C.P., F.R.C.P.)

1908 - 1996

Harvey, Bryan H (CBE)

1915 - 2004

Bonavia, Michael

1909 - 1999

Verdon-Roe, (Edwin) Alliott

1877 - 1958

Sempill, William Francis Forbes

1893 - 1965

Sarkisov, Semion Alexandrovich

1895 - 1971

de Grineau, Bryan

1883 - 1905